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Painting Peony Petals to Add Depth

Giving The Petals Shape

Painting peony petals to add depth

Painting Peony Petals to Add Depth

Painting flowers with depth can be difficult, believe me I know.  It took me quite a while to figure out some of the secrets to painting peony petals to add depth but with practice I started to get it and I want to share those secrets with you.  In this video you’ll see how it’s done.

As you watched the video you saw that I had difficulty with one petal in particular.  Painting peony petals to add depth, or any flower for that matter takes practice and evaluation.

tips for painting peony petals to add depth.
  • Putting darks and lights next to each other is critical.
  • You will need many values in the flower to actually see the petals.
  • To sink the center of the flower, petals need a darker value near the center
  • The underside of the petals are always a different color and usually duller than the front.
  • You don’t need to outline each petal, but some helps with adding depth.
  • Don’t fiddle while outlining.  Do it quickly and with very light pressure on the brush
  • Stand back a few feet and look over your painting to see areas that need work
  • If necessary walk away for a day or two and then go back to it.

Acrylic paint dries quickly but that’s not a bad thing.  You can use a medium to keep the paint open longer if you ned one.  Using a medium has a whole different learning curve but it is something you can play around with.

I don’t glob the paint on in the early passes of the petals, but as they begin to take shape I may use thicker paint.

This video is not a step by step tutorial, but it does show you all the things in the tips above.

If you like this type of info, I have a FREE PDF I’d love to send you.  7 Tips for Mixing Acrylic Paint can be in your inbox in no time.

That peony painting along with several others are being varnished and heading off to The Community Art Center in Vevay, IN later this week.  Click HERE to learn more about the art center and it’s fabulous regional artists.  There’s a lot of artistic talent in this one stop light town.

This is another peony that is going to the art center in Vevay, IN.

You can view my available art HERE.

If you are interested in learning how to paint and don’t know where to start I’m your girl.  That’s exactly who I love to teach.  While you’re here, scroll around and look at what’s available for you, much of it is free.  My blog is totally free and it is not loaded up with ads to make it easier on you to find what you’re looking for.  In fact there are no ads here.

There is a free daisy painting class as well as many free ebooks and  other helps created for you.  I do have several paid programs that were created with you in mind.  The Beginner’s Painting Club is a membership where members receive monthly instruction in Fundamentals of Art, Elements of Art and step by step panting tutorials.  Click HERE to learn more.

The Painting With Acrylics Academy is a complete beginning art course that takes the beginner from knowing what supplies to buy and how to use them, earn about color, perspective, composition and 2 complete step by step paintings.   Click HERE to learn more.