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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Get A FREE Beginning Artist Bundle

Start Improving Your Art Today

Free Beginning Art Instruction Acrylic Paint

Get The FREE Beginning Artist Bundle

Full of Info and Inspiration

I’ve never put together a bundle of artist information before and now you benefit from this FREE bundle of printable goodness specifically for the beginning artist.

You’ll receive in your inbox the Painting Plan where you will clarify what you want to learn and paint and when you’re going to do it.  Print out and fill out the plan and keep it where you paint to keep it top of mind.  It’s so easy to get off track, but if you clarify your goals and then look at them often you will achieve them.

I did an informal survey several months ago on what beginners struggle with and the answer came back overwhelmingly as “perspective”.  So I created a printable workbook on Perspective.  As part of the Beginning Artist Bundle you will learn about 2 different types of perspective and how to identify them.  You will also learn about the different properties in the perspective of different types of paintings.  In this workbook you will have the chance to really grow your knowledge about perspective and how you can make it work for you.

You’ll also be receiving 5 Secrets Beginning Artists Should Know in the Beginning Artist Bundle.  I’ve taught hundreds of beginning painters and there are similar mistakes made by almost all beginners.  I’ve put those five things in this workbook where you will learn the secret, create your own action plan to use the secret and a to do list to better understand the secret.

I look back on my beginning art journey over 22 years ago and I could have shaved maybe years off my learning curve if I had had these printable workbooks and plans.

I created them for all the beginners out there who know there is an artist inside of them, but just can’t seem to put it all together.  These have benefited my students and I know they will benefit you.

I hope this helps you feel more confident as you learn to paint.  Being unsure about what to do is a major reason beginners don’t stick with it.  I want you to be able to confidently understand how to paint and follow your art dreams.

Let’s paint together real soon.



P.S.  If you’d like to work with me there are several ways on my website.  Click HERE to get info on the Painting With Acrylics Academy, a complete course for the beginning artist. Everything in this course is designed to get the beginner through all those fears that pop up about beginning something new.

Have a great day and happy painting.