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Create Your Own Art and Support Local Artists

Art is the Journey

Create your own art support local artists

Create Your Own Art and

Support Local Artists

YES!  You can create your own art and support local artists whenever you can.  Creating your own art, regardless of what it is, releases the feel good hormones of dopamine and endorphins. 

So what is your art?  It could be how you make dinner, how you decorate your home, how you organize your garage.  It’s the creative process you use in your everyday life.  It doesn’t have to be what we traditionally think of as art such as painting, pottery, weaving, stained glass or wood turning.  It doesn’t have to be playing music, dancing or the theatre.  Art is in us all and it takes many different forms.

Create your own art and celebrate your art.  Then notice the feeling of accomplishment that follows.  That’s those feel good hormones running through you.  You want more of that?  Create more art.  Are you feeling a little down?  Create some art.

Artists all over the world, whether hobbyist or professional are creating art every day.  There are of course, museums and curated galleries where it can be seen, but there are also local Community Art Centers where you can view and purchase art from local artists.   If you’d like to get into a community art center as an artist I here is blog post about how to do just that.  Click HERE.

Create your own art and support local artists

Create your own art

Supporting local art centers and artists is critical in towns and cities everywhere.  As artists we realize and we feel how difficult these economic times are.  Artists need an outlet for their art and patrons need and love what they create and sell.

In the Community Art Center of Vevay, Indiana all the artist volunteer their time to keep the doors open and that’s the case in most community art centers.  Often there is no paid staff.  I volunteer twice a month and I see the quality and prices of the pieces offered.

Yes, we have some pretty expensive gorgeous things there, but we also have many items that are under $20 and some are way under that price point.  You can’t buy a decent notecard for less than you can buy in an art center and that’s just one example.

How to Support Local Artists

  • Go into a local art center on a regular basis
  • Get to know an artist or two
  • Take a class
  • Attend First Friday’s
  • Attend events
  • Buy art

Reasons to Go Into Your Local Art Center

  • Mother’s Day gift
  • Birthday gift
  • Wedding gift
  • Christmas gifts
  • Home decor
  • A gift for yourself
  • A quirky gift for your quirky friend
  • A feel good item
  • To be inspired
  • I could go on and on. . .

Artists love to talk about their process and you can make a friend with an artist at your local art center and just look at and enjoy their work and hearing about it from them.  Even if you don’t buy a thing, you feel better seeing hand made art and the artist feels better that you came in an looked around.  That’s definitely a win/win.

Create your own art and supporting local artists can bring on those feel good emotions known as dopamine just by being in the world of creativity.  You don’t get the same feeling shopping in a “Made In China” world as you do when you know you are looking at or holding a one of a kind hand made unique piece.   Because it’s made by hand by a person there will never be another one just exactly like it.  There may be something similar but just by the nature of being hand made, there will always be differences in them.

I try to surround myself with things I’ve made as well as from other artists and there’s a different feeling and appreciation of those things that I’ve made or other artists have made that I don’t get anywhere else.

I’d love for you to continue on in your art making, get started in your art making and/or enjoy the art making of other artists.  You will feel better about yourself and the world around you as you do.

Before I hop down off my soapbox, I want to make sure you know that if you would like to start painting, I’m offering a FREE 3-day beginning painting workshop where you will learn the tools of the trade, color theory, values, perspective and actually paint a sunset if you choose to.  It’s March 26-28, 2024, 6 p.m. EST and it will be hosted on a Zoom call.

Sign up for this FREE class by clicking that big beautiful button.

If you don’t have the Zoom app on your computer you can go to your app store and download it.  It’s a free app that you can use to attend meetings or you can host your own 40 minute meeting using the FREE app.  Longer meetings are fee based. 

I’m hosting on Zoom this time because I think it can be much more fun because it is interactive and you can ask questions and I can answer easier there. 

Anyway, there you have it.  Create your own art and support local artists is my message of the day.  You win either way.
