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Yellow Paint Product Review

JoAnn's Fabrics Artsmith Paint

Yellow paint product review

All Yellows Aren’t The Same

I recently did a product review of JoAnn’s Fabrics Artsmith green paint so you might ask why would I do another one on yellow paint.  Great question.

The answer is, I was trying to see how true the colors were across the board.  I probably should have purchased the 3 primaries, but I didn’t.  I needed the green and I thought I’d give it a try.  So then I bought the yellow because it is a primary.

I set up my experiment like I did with the green.  I compared the yellow paint with yellow craft paint and Utrecht Heavy Body acrylic paint.

Hope you enjoyed that video.  Hopefully you gave me a thumbs up and subscribed to my channel.  Also, if you know of someone who wants to learn to paint and would benefit from my channel, please share.  Everything I create is for beginners.

Thanks so much for hopping on here today and leet’s paint together soon!