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Why Buy Original Art

You Love It! You Want It!

buying original art,

What Is It About Original Art

I volunteer at the Community Art Center in Vevay, Indiana as well as display my art there and I get many opportunities to watch people looking at original art.  It’s interesting to watch.

People wander near it.  They study it.  Depending on the art, they pick it up and look closely at it.  They talk about it quietly with someone they came in with.  They keep coming back to particular pieces that interest them.  You can almost see them thinking it over in their heads: where could I put this, can I afford this, how did they do this?

Artists can’t help but create. It’s in their DNA to create things.  They think about it all the time.  They see things differently than the rest of the world.  People are amazed by it.   Artists are amazed at what  other artists think of and create.  Artists not only create art but they buy art.  Lots of art.

I’m amazed by several things people do when viewing art.  They often ask, “how long did it take you to make that?”.  I always say, “That’s the wrong question.  The right question is how long did it take you before you could make that and the answer to that is years”.

Once an artist has put in the work and the practice to do something it might not take them long to actually create the thing.  But the learning and the practicing and refining the process can take 5 – 10 – 20 years.  When you buy original art you’re buying years of learning and dedication by the artist in that piece.  That also has to figure in the price.  Artists need to eat too.

I created a short video I think you’ll enjoy in the Community Art Center.

Wasn’t that fun.  If you’re near Vevay, Indiana, we’d love for you to come in and meet us.  The whole place is run by volunteers.  We have no paid staff.  Just artists selling art.

If you’re not near Vevay, how about googling “art centers near me”, see what pops up and then put it on your calendar to go visit one or more of them.  See what type of art you are drawn to and love.

By making a purchase in a local art center or gallery you are supporting that small business.  You are also supporting the artist who is also a small business so you’re doing a twofer.  Supporting two small businesses with just one purchase.  The lifeblood of America is small business and you just helped two of them.  Doesn’t that feel great also.

If you’d like to see more of my original art click HERE.

I can’t thank you enough for visiting my blog today.  I so hope you enjoyed it.  If so, I’d appreciate a thumbs up on my video and leave a comment on what you liked or tell us about the art center near you.

Have a great one.
