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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

What NOT To Buy An Artist!

Why not?

What NOT To Buy An Artist

Buying For An Artist

I recently did a presentation in the first ever Wellness Summit in the Metaverse.  Yes!  I was an avator and I had to learn to walk, maneuver, and even clap and dance as an avator.  It was surreal for me but I did it.

My presentation was 30 minutes and for 15 minutes I spoke about Art and Wellness and for 15 minutes I demonstrated how to paint daisies..  I had already painted the background, a jar and the stems and leaves and all I was demonstrating was the daisies.

The problem was I needed to be in Florida to visit my uncle so I took everything with me on the plane.  Traveling with paints can be a hassle and I only needed a little paint in several colors so I decided to buy a small set of acrylic paints when I got there.

I found the paints that would do the most good and I purchased a small set.  There were 10 tubes in the set and each tube .4 oz.  Read that again.  Point 4 oz.  Technically that’s 1/2 cup, but that is nowhere near what was in each tube.  I didn’t need much but I needed several colors so it was more economical to buy the set.

Click that big beautiful button to watch the video with the explanation. 

I wouldn’t buy this set as a gift because of the small size of the tubes.  There just isn’t enough paint in a tube that size for anyone to paint very much with,  A beginner or student really couldn’t get much of a feel for painting with such little paint.

My recommendation would be to do one of two things:

  1.  Buy your artist their favorite color of paint and its complement (the color directly opposite on the color wheel) and white.  The tube should be either 2 or 4 oz.
  2. Or buy your artist one each of the primaries, yellow, red and blue and white, (artists always need white).

I am affiliate for Joann’s Fabrics and that means if you use the link below to purchase anything, I get a percentage of the sale at no extra charge to you. Click HERE to get the link to purchase paint.

Watch for an upcoming video of gift ideas for artists.

Hope you enjoyed this and that we’ll be painting together real soon.


p.s. Click HERE to view my available art.