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What Can I Paint On?

List of Items to Try Acrylics On

What to paint on as a beginner

What Can I Paint On?

Acrylic paint is one of the most versatile paints you can use so that means you can paint on just about anything.  If it’s clean and dry you can probably paint on it.

I created a video showing you many things you can paint on.

Things To Paint On
  • 140 lb water color paper
  • wood
  • plastic
  • masonite
  • stretched canvas
  • metal

In the video I show you that I tone my wood panels and stretched canvas.  That means I squirt out some paint on the surface and brush it around.  I tone my canvases for two reasons.

  1.  It can add either a warm or cool tone to my painting depending on the color I use
  2. It conceals the white background if I don’t get the paint down into the weave.

I don’t paint on a white canvas anymore.  None of the toning will be seen as I paint on top of it.  But if I missed any part of the white canvas, the viewers eye would go straight to it and could possibly ruin my viewers eye traveling through my art.

If you’re interested in earning how to paint and learning more fundamentals like this click HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.

Let’s paint together real soon.