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The Winners Are. . .

You might be one if. . .

The winners are

The Winners Are

I promised winners and by golly we’re going to have winners.  See the original post about winning these two gnomes HERE.

If you subscribed to my YouTube channel in December you might be the winner of one of two hand painted gnomes I’m giving away.  One of two hand painted gnomes I'm giving away

I kept track of all new subscribers in December and January 1st and the winners are revealed in the video below.   Watch this short video to see if you’re one of them. 

The winners have 48 hours, so by 9 a.m. January 6th, to DM me @kypaintster with their details and I’ll be happy to send these two gnomes out to their forever homes.  (ooooh I made a rhyme).

These were really fun to paint and I hope you got in on the excitement of winning one.  If not you can still subscribe while you watch the short video.  I post at least one video per week and several shorts.  I’d love to have you join us.

My YouTube channel was created specifically for beginning artists where I help you move your art journey forward.

This blog is also a great source of beginning art information.  Click HERE to see lots more posts just for you.

My mission is help 1000 purpose driven beginning artists move their art journey forward quickly using fundamentals of art, elements of art and tutorials.  If that’s you we need to talk.  I have lots of ways I can help you in your art journey, some are paid products, but many more are free.  Click HERE to get the FREE printable Beginner’s Painting Bundle for starters.  It will help you make a plan to improve your art, give you motivation and teach you about how to achieve perspective.  Print it out and keep in a painting notebook so you can refer to it often.

Again, thank you all so much for subscribing to my YouTube channel and if there is something specific you’d like to learn, please let me know.  We can all improve together.

Thanks for your support and encouragement,
