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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

The One Video You Should Watch to Improve Your Art

That's a pretty bold statement.

Improve your art, beginning, art, lessons, earn, to, paint,

Best Video to Improve Your Art

I’m pretty bold saying that, but I honestly believe it is true.

Click HERE to watch the video.
If you’ve watched the video we can talk about it.  I believe that there are way too many people hanging out on YouTube watching videos about how to paint and not actually painting.  In reality, that is the only way you will learn to paint or improve your art.  Your brush needs to become part of your hand and the only way for that to happen is to put miles on the brush.
Beginning artists need to schedule regular practice time, say a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week.  If you will do that for say about a month you will be amazed at your improvement.  Keep all your practice sheets.  Write on them the date and what you learned and watch your progress.  It helps even more if you will decide on a subject or topic you want to improve on and work on that for 30 days.
During those 30 days you will create muscle memory for how to move the brush to accomplish what you want.  All artists, especially the great ones, practice practice practice.  That’s how they got to be great.
Learning to paint is a skill and the only way to get better at a skill is to practice.  No one sits down at the piano the first time and plays Mozart.  They play scales and more scales and then 4 measure songs, and then 8 measure songs.  then they play 16 measures and add their second hand.  No ballet dancer does Swan Lake without years of work at the barre.  Professional basketball players shoot 500 free throws a day and they still miss.  Painting is no different.
Go ahead.  Watch a video or 2.  Pick a subject you want to learn.  Then turn off the phone, computer or TV and paint for 30-60 minutes.  Then watch that video again and see what you didn’t see the first time.  But don’t spend more time watching videos than you do painting.
The Beginner’s Painting Club on this website opens 3 times a year to new members and several times a year I have a flash opening for 24 hours.  The Beginner’s Painting Club is what I think to be one of the best ways to learn to paint because you are learning art fundamentals and at the same time learning how to use them in your artwork.   Click HERE to learn about the BPC and sign up for the waiting list and get a notification when the next flash opening happens or the week long opening for new members.   Thans so much and share this with anyone you think would be interested.

Hope you have a great day and let’s paint together real soon.