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The Community Art Center in Vevay, Indiana

The Arts and Small Town America

Vevay, Indiana, Community Art Center, small-town USA, local artists,

Vevay, Indiana is quintessential small town America and in the center of this one light town is the Community Art Center of Switzerland County, Indiana.

The Community Art Center is home to about 45 artists who all live within a 60-mile radius of Vevay, (pronounced VeeVee).  It is one of the finest Art Centers I’ve ever been in.  The quality of the artwork is second to none.  It is amazing that that much great art is from artists who live in such a small rural area.

Click HERE to see the video of a tour I did in July of 2021.  I tried to show off all the art work as well as the beautiful building it’s housed in.

While you’re on my YouTube channel, I sure would appreciate a thumbs up and subscribe.