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The Color Wheel Unmasked

How does that crazy wheel work?

Complements on the color wheel

Color Theory

The color wheel appears to be a scary mystical thing that only true artists know how to understand.  That cannot be further from the truth.  Anyone can understand the color wheel.  Heck, even I understand the color wheel, most days.

Today we will explore the complements on the color wheel.  Complements are any color on the wheel and the color exactly opposite it.  They are complements.  Green is the complement of red.  Yellow is the complement of purple.  Orange is the complement of blue.

To watch a video that explains it all click that big beautiful button.

Hope you enjoyed that video and that now you know the color wheel is not mysterious or scary.

I’ll be opening the Beginner’s Painting Club in September and there will be a challenge beforehand where we will work on values and color theory more in depth.  If you want to learn to paint, this challenge is perfect for you.  Click HERE to get on the wait list for all that goodness.  Scroll all the way to the bottom to sign up.  You’ll receive an email about how to join the free Facebook group for the challenge.  You’ll want to join that private Facebook group ASAP because I’ll be posting in there before the challenge with all sorts of hints, tips and tricks for the beginning artist.

Hope to see you on the inside of the upcoming challenge and I hope this lesson on complementary colors was beneficial to you.