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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

The Beginner’s Painting Cub is OPEN

Like Right Now But NOT For Long

Beginner's Painting Club is Open

We’ve Been Challenged

And now the Beginner’s Painting Club is open and waiting for you. 

If you are that person that wants to learn to paint the Beginner’s Painting Club is the absolute best place for you to learn.  Why do you say that Sharon?

I say it because it was created with you in mind.  I thought about you every day creating the Beginner’s Painting Club.  I even went to bed with you on my mind one night trying to figure out the best possible way to teach the Elements of Art.  I woke up with what I think is a brilliant idea and what I wish I had when I was learning to paint.

Let me explain.  You will learn not only the Fundamentals of Art like color theory, values, and how to mix paint, etc., and start to finish painting classes, but you will also learn the elements of those paintings.

When painting a landscape, there are certain parts of landscapes like skies, clouds, mountains, trees, sunsets, cabins, rocks, water and so much more.  In the Elements of Art section all you need do is click on Landscapes and watch the magic happen.  An entire library of individual subjects open up for you to study and practice on.

Every month you’ll receive a painting class and I’ll break it down in the Elements section with at least one or two classes that support that months painting class.

You’re also privy to a huge library that is building every single month.  I’ve really never seen anything like it and it’s all in one place and easily organized for you.  You get all that for about the price of a nice lunch once a month.

If all that’s not enough, you also get to hop into our private Facebook group where I go live every Monday morning about 10 a.m. EST with hints, tips, tricks and motivation to cheer you on and be there for you in your art journey.

No matter where the price of the Beginner’s Painting Club goes, you will always pay the price you join at.  It never increases for you as long as you remain a member.  It closes in a few days so it’s really decision time.

I’d hate for you to look back in a year if you still haven’t started yet.  Remember that first night of the challenge we talked about the fears that hold people back.  Push that fear aside and Do Something Different this time.