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Supply List

A Good Supply List is Priceless.

Supply List
If you’re a beginner painter and aren’t sure about the supplies you need, this list was created with your name on it.  Just sign up to receive it in your inbox and you can print it off when you go shopping for art supplies.  I honestly believe I can save you a boatload of money if you only buy what’s on the list.
You can be like a deer in the head lights in the big box art store or even worse an online art catalog.  There will be things on this list you don’t need immediately, but these are the supplies I use and recommend.  I am not an affiliate marketer for any of them, so I receive nothing for recommending them.  This is what I use every day as a working artist.
Click HERE to receive the Art Supply List in your inbox.

I absolutely hate spam so I will never ever sell your info to a 3rd party.  Promise!!!