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Art Studio Dumpster Fire

My art studio totally was one!

Art studio Dumpster Fire

After Art Show Chaos

You sign up for a local art show.  You tear up your art studio to load up your walls, your art, your tables, your table clothes and all the miscellaneous supplies you’re going to make that show a success.

You drive to the venue unload it all and get set up.  You sit outside all day in the weather talking to people about your art.  Then you load it all back up and drive home.  Then you have to unload it all.  And you know what?  You’re hot and tired so it all just thrown back into the studio.  “Just put it all in here and I’ll clean it up tomorrow,” you say.

Yes, that’s exactly how my studio gets turned into a dumpster fire with every art show I do.  (That may be part of the reason I may have just done my last art show.)

Anyway, I thought you’d like to see how it all goes back together.  (Don’t worry!  It’s very fast.)

Hope you stayed to the end to see my nice clean studio.  Whew!  Now I can get back to creating art and teaching.

The next time you go to an art/craft show, realize that every person there just went through a ton of work creating and crafting and hauling and they still have to get back home and unload it all.  Art/craft shows are so much work and the artist does it for the love of creation.  Please be kind in your remarks

Need a little help organizing your thoughts on your art journey?  Download the FREE printable Painting Planner HERE.  It will help you create a plan of what you want to paint, what you need to learn and when you’ll do it all.

Let’s paint together real soon.
