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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Learn to Paint Snow

This FUN class is great for children or adults.

How FUN is this painting?!?

Here’s What You’ll Learn

  • What supplies you’ll need
  • How to create a moonlit sky
  • How to paint snow
  • What paint you’ll need to create snow
  • How to create distance in the fence row
  • How to paint a snowman
  • How to paint snow drifts
  • How to paint shadows

You will learn all of this in the 7 real time videos that come with this class.  Yep, 7 videos that show you exactly how I painted this fun snowman in real time, no time lapse or cut away photography.

This painting is fun for children because of the content, but it is challenging for adults because you’ll learn how to paint the moon, learn how to create perspective, learn how to create depth in the snow, and so many other art concepts that you will use over and over again in your art.


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Single Subject Class


One Year from date of purchase

You will receive immediate unlimited access to the complete Snowman In The Moonlight class for one full year.


Sign Up TODAY!


How long will I have access to this class?

All single subject classes last for one full year.

Who is this class for?

This class really has no age boundaries.  Children will love it because of the content, but adults will learn so much about perspective, creating snow, highlights and shadows that will be needed in future art endeavors.

What is this painted on?

I painted my demo on an 8″ x 10″ stretched canvas, but you could paint it on wood, canvas or wood panel or many other surfaces.

Is this a good class for home school students?

This is a great class for home school students because even the youngest children will have fun because of the content, but the older ones will learn many art concepts they will use in the future.

How many videos are in this class?

Great question.  This single subject class has 7 videos in it.  They are real time videos.  There are NO time lapse or cut away videos.  I show you every thing in real time exactly as I painted it.

Can I share this class with my friends and family?

This single subject class, as are all my classes and courses are for you and your immediate family living in your house.  This is not to be shared with your home school co-op, your best friend or relative unless they live in your house.

You can, however tell them where you got this super duper class and they can get one for themselves.