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Sleepy Hollow Days

Creating Pumpkin Paintings

Small Town Fall Festival

Small towns all across America have fall festivals and Vevay, Indiana is no different.  They host Sleepy Hollow Days, complete with a headless horseman riding among the festival goers.

Recently I had the honor to be sponsored by tourism to teach children how to paint a pumpkin on a small canvas.  They set up a table and a tent and I was in business – so to speak.

I had enough small canvasses for 25 painters and many colors of paint.  If the painter wanted me to draw the pumpkin on their canvas I did, but if they didn’t I was hands off.

My first painter of the day was a young man who anted to paint a zombie pumpkin.  Not being a member of the zombie crowd I didn’t exactly know how to go about it, but that was OK.  He neither needed nor wanted help so once he had his canvas and paint palette and a brush, away he went.

For the next 2 hours anyone who wanted to paint, had the opportunity.  It was a beautiful day and I had a fabulous time watching and helping when wanted, all those who wanted to try out their artistic chops.

Watch this short video to see many of the painters.

If you would like to learn to paint, look no further than this website.  Right here is a FREE daisy painting class where you will learn, start to finish how to paint these sweet daisies. 

Click that big beautiful button and sign up to receive the full class in your inbox.

If you would like to view my available art for sale click the button below. 

Thanks so much for being here today.  Let’s paint together real soon.
