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Setting Goals for 2022

Plan your work and work your plan.

2022 art goals, improve your art, beginning painting classes,

Improving Your Art in 2022.

Have you looked back on 2021 and are happy with your progress?  Now let’s look forward to 2022 and devise a plan to make real progress.

In this video I’ll explain a great way to improve your art.

Action Steps
  1.  Analyze your art and determine 2 things you want to improve on in 2022.
  2. Schedule a minimum of 30 minutes, 3 times a week for study and then schedule the same amount of time to actually paint.

Regardless of how long you study, schedule that same amount of time for actual painting.

I always caution my students about spending too much time watching videos.  While it’s important to get instruction, it is even more important to spend at least the same amount of time putting miles on your brush.  That is the secret sauce to improving your art.

You can read books, watch videos and analyze great art, but you will not improve until you put in the time.

Painting and/or drawing is a skill and a skill can be learned, practiced and improved on.  Just as an olympic swimmer doesn’t hop in the pool for the first time and come out with a medal an artist should understand that not only is there a learning curve, the curve takes time to learn.

Practice with a purpose will get you where you want to be much faster than following tutorials or creating paintings without not goal in mind.

If you will spend the next year working on the 2-3 things that you decide you need to work on the most, with dedicated study and painting time and practicing with a purpose, you will look back on 2022 and recognize that you have made great progress.

Enjoy the art journey you’re on.  Try to to stress that you’re not there yet. You’re not there yet.  You know that.  So don’t stress about it.  Love what you’re learning and celebrate everything you’re painting.

Have a great day and let’s paint together real soon.