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Product Review – Colored Gesso

What is the benefit of colored gesso?

colored gesso review

Product Review – Colored Gesso

What is colored gesso and what should I do with it?

Gesso is a product that is put on a painting surface that will help smooth out a canvas surface, but it will also give some tooth to a really smooth panel.

I usually paint in more warm colors so I don’t use the Terra Cotta too often because it adds more warmth to my paintings.  I usually use the Victorian Grey because it helps me to tone down the bright colors I have a tendency to use.

I usually order products like this from online places like www.dickblick.com or www.jerrysartarama.com.  I don’t live near anything, so online ordering is pretty much a necessity for me.

When using a colored gesso, I use as big a bristle brush as fits into the jar.  Make big X strokes as you cover the entire canvas with the gesso.

I gesso as many canvasses as possible so when I have the time to paint, I’m ready to paint.

I usually only put one coat on, but if you put it on too thin, you can definitely give it more than that.

One of the reasons to use gesso is to make sure the white of the canvas doesn’t show through.  When painting with acrylic paint, as the paint dries, the water evaporates in it and sometimes you will see little specks of white canvas showing through.  If the canvas is toned, you won’t see that.  You don’t notice it until it is dry and by then you might have trouble matching the color where the white dots are showing through.

Give colored gesso a try sometime and see what you think.

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