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Using a Paper Palette Pad

An excellent tool that is less expensive.

Artist paper palette pad

I don’t know about you, but I’m always checking out art supplies and things I can use to make my art life easier.  I was looking for a palette I could use that would make it easier for my students to see what paint I was using and how I was mixing while I teach online.  I found this paper palette pad at Hobby Lobby for $12.99.  It has 50 sheets of grey palette paper in it and it has a hole for my thumb, making it easier to hold up for you to see.  Genius!!!

Click HERE to watch the video.  There is also a short tutorial on how to paint a tree as I demonstrate how to use the palette.

I think this is an excellent choice for a beginning painter because the pad has 50 sheets on it, it’s disposable and it’s grey, so it’s easier to actually see your colors on it.

The downside would be, you might not want to put a ton of paint on it because you can’t save it on there.  But other than that, I think it is a perfect solution for a palette for a beginner.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, and subscribe to my channel and if you know anyone who would love this information, how about sharing this post or the video with them.  That is the best way to help me grow my channel and blog.

Here’s my disclaimer.  I am not an affiliate of either Hobby Lobby or any other vendors I mention so I make no money for recommending any products at this time.  I try things out and recommend or not to help you as a beginning artist.

Dick Blick is my go to source for art supplies and I did find it on there cheaper, but delivery is extra.  Click HERE to see the palette.  Jerry’s Artarama had it for the same price and I did not check Cheap Joe’s.  These are all online art suppliers and all are excellent.  I have almost always used Dick Blick because of their easy return policy.  I’m sure the others are equally agreeable.

I hope you found this helpful and I hope you’ll look around my website and take advantage of all the super and often free info found here.  I only teach beginners, so if that’s you, you need to bookmark this website and check in often.

Thanks so much for being here today and let’s paint together real soon.