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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Painting Poppies At Eagle Creek Vineyard,

Warsaw, KY

Eagle Creek Vineyard group painting classes

Slinging Paint in Warsaw, KY.

I’ve been teaching group painting lessons at Eagle Creek Vineyard for several years, but with Covid and other issues it’s felt a little disjointed and weird, but March changed all of that.

I don’t know really how or why things changed but we had 16 people come and paint this fun poppy painting and it was a total party atmosphere.  The ambience at Eagle Creek Vineyard in Warsaw, KY is stellar and everyone enjoyed the wine and the painting.  You can judge for yourself in this video.

Here’s hoping you’re going to be able to join us soon.  Classes are usually announced on their Facebook page.  Click the button to go there.

FYI – I just uploaded new monthly classes to the Beginner’s Painting Club, a monthly membership site where members receive fresh new art instruction every single month in the areas of Fundamentals of Art, Elements of Art, and start to finish Painting Classes.  Click the button and get on the wait list for info the next time it opens up.  If you want to learn to paint, this is your absolutely best value anywhere.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Hope you enjoyed yourself and let’s paint together real soon.