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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Painting At Eagle Creek Vineyard – Warsaw, KY

This group was a riot!!!

Eagle Creek Vineyard Painting Class

Painting A Moonlit Beach Scene

In this class in May, several groups of friends came together to learn to paint a beach scene in the moonlight.  We’ve been cooped up for so long and getting out and having fun was absolutely the theme of this get together.

Painting the moonlight is a fun technique and everyone did a super job with it.  You mix your color of a tiny bit of yellow and white and use a synthetic flat brush. You press your brush onto the canvas where you want the moon, and you press your bristles down flat.  Then you spin the brush.  After you’ve gone around at least once, maybe nearly 1 1/2 times, you gently pull your brush away from the canvas and BOOM – you should have a fairly decent orb in the sky.  Almost everyone I’ve taught this to is amazed at how easy it works.

I love taking pics and videos of the class and this one was no different.  Click that big beautiful button below to watch the video.

Hopefully you’r going to feel the energy in the room and I’d love to see you there sometime soon.

Also, right now the Beginner’s Painting Club is open and waiting for you to hop on in there.  I only open it up 3 times a year and right now is one of those times.  It will close June 5.  This is may be the very best thing for beginning artists to learn to paint.