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Painting at a Bachelorette Party

We got that party started!!!

Bachelorette Party

Slinging Paint at a Bachelorette Party

That’s what happened in Warsaw, KY in mid September as I headed off to host a painting party at a bachelorette party.  These ladies went all out for their sister, daughter, friend, etc.  They brought in all sorts of “interesting” snacks and of course there was a little wine, (she said sarcastically).

The groom to be is a firefighter so the party was held at the firehouse.  They even dressed up Rescue Randy (but we had to call him James to keep that bad juju down) in an outfit not exactly his normal.  They had a ball.

This group of super fun ladies started off their celebration with a painting party and they all did one heck of a great job on their patriotic barns.

Next they were headed off to a haunted house.  Not sure how that turned out, but I’m certain fun was had by all.

Thanks so much for inviting me to be a part of your celebration.  I had a wonderful time and I hope you did as well.