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Painting a White Pumpkin

I Lost The Video

Never give up painting a white pumpkin

Well – That Was Crazy Frustrating

Everyone knows I’m no spring chicken and sometimes this tech stuff can really frustrate me, but this, this was beyond the pale.

I’ve made about every mistake possible when making videos, not to mention painting.

  • Forgot to press record
  • Knocked over the camera
  • Knocked the painting off the easel
  • Forgot to connect the microphone
  • Dropped my palette

And that’s just a few of the many mistakes I’ve made.  But I’ve never seen this before.  I made the intro, the painting video, the outro, the stills and then uploaded all to my desktop.  When I went into iMovie to create the video it was all there except the painting video.  I’m looking.   I’m searching.  I’m back on my phone I use to record.  No long video.

I check my video as I’m filming to make sure I’m still in frame or nothing weird is going on and I did that several times during this video, but at the end, there was no video.  I have absolutely no idea what happened.

There was only one solution.  I’d have to re-shoot the video.  Sheesh!  So I did.  Then in the middle of the video I had to stop because I was having a sugar low.  Whew!  What a day.  All is well!

Anyway, I did get the video created, edited and uploaded and it’s here in all its glory for you.

Happy Halloween and let’s paint together real soon!
