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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Painting a Vintage Camper

at Eagle Creek Vineyard

Painting at Eagle Creek Vineyard

Painting at Eagle Creek Vineyard

WOW!  That was fun.  Painting a vintage camper in a mountain scene was fabulous.  Everyone was able to put their own stamp on their campers by painting it in any shape or color.  You want more mountains, paint them.  Want more trees, here’s how you paint them.  Make this painting your own.

My goal is to teach a method with a heavy emphasis on the why of something and not just the how.  I really hope that my students learn fundamentals of art so they can go home and use them in their own art if they choose.

But enough of that.  You want to see the proof I’ll bet.  Click that big beautiful button and watch these fun folks paint their campers.