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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Painting a Simple Flower Demo

Quick Demo

Simple red flower demo

Demo in Depth and Color

This quick demo shows how to create depth in a flower by using values and how to make something pop by using complementary colors (opposites on the color wheel).

You can learn a lot just by watching this quick demo.  Watch how the depth appears just by being intentional with the values of the flower.  Then learn how to make something pop just by using complementary colors.

When complements are used next to each other they pop.  When you mix them together they gray the color.  That doesn’t mean they make the color gray, but they do mute the color.  If you were painting something green and wanted to add a shadow, you would add red to the green and it would gray the color.  You could add some white to lighten it up a bit.

Try this simple practice to improve your brushwork, your understanding of color and just for fun.  You could also use this simple painting as a warm up for your daily painting.  Loosen up those hands and fingers and get your brain in the painting mode.

Here’s a link for this painting.