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Painting a Gnome

Is It Art or a Craft?

Paint a Gnome

Does It Matter?

Painting this gnome was so fun I don’t think it matters how you classify it.  No, it’s not high fine art.  But it’s cute and it was fun so there art critic.

There are art fundamentals in play in this gnome painting,  Getting the nose to have form by using shadows and highlights is one.  I added highlights to various parts of the hat to give it form and then there’s the beard.

Every once in a while after a tough week or two, which this has been, I just need something fun, easy and not perfect or gallery worthy.  I just needed to play in the paint and this fit the bill.

This is a great project for homeschoolers or for grandparents who have the kiddos for an afternoon.  Put some plastic down on your kitchen table, put out some supplies, and you and your tribe paint a gnome.

Have a great day and let’s paint together real soon.