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Paint An Easy Moon

Fun and easy!

Paint an easy moon

Paint This Easy Moon

In this video you will learn how to paint this moon in any size you want.  The video shows I created this moon using Cadmium yellow medium and titanium white and  a #10 natural bristle brush.  You can use any size brush to achieve a smaller or larger moon.  I have also done it with a synthetic flat brush, but I like the effect you get with the natural bristle.

Click HERE to view the video.

I added several time lapse videos and process pictures to finish the painting after the moon portion concludes.

You can use this info on many different types of paintings.  It’s loads of fun and practically mistake proof.  And if a mistake is made, you know what I always say – “There’s nothing you can’t fix with acrylic paint”.

Thanks for stopping by today.  How about giving me a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel.  If you know someone who would love this type of information, I’d appreciate it if you’d share it.

Thanks a bunch.  Let’s paint together real soon.