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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Paint a Blue Iris with a Palette Knife

Get those knives and paints out and lets get started.

Palette knife Iris painting

This video is much different than any other video I have produced.  If my voice is tooooo high pitched and squeaky for you,  you’re gonna love this one.  You’re going to see me painting and no talking, just some pretty music.

I’m sure you’re really curious, so hit that big beautiful button and let’s get on with it.

This tutorial is part of a series of iris paintings I’m doing.  I’m going to do some other colors, but you can paint this any color you’d like.  I just teach a method.  You make it your own by deciding the colors, the size and even how many you want to paint.

I miss identified this paintings size in the video.  It’s actually 7″ x 5″ on a canvas panel.

The color palette I used is:

  • Titanium White
  • Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • Hookers Green
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Turquoise Deep
  • Lime Green

The background was painted with a palette knife also and is very abstract.  Started with darker blue at the top and worked my way down to a lighter blue and the bottom started with darker green and got lighter as it went up.

Then I just sort of skimmed the surface with other colors like light green, yellow and darker greens.

Have a great time using your palette knife and let me know how it goes or if you have any questions.