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Mix Acrylic Paint Like A Pro.

You're not alone making this one mistake.

Mix acrylic paint like a pro

One thing Almost

ALL Beginners Do

After teaching hundreds of beginners in private and group classes the one thing almost all beginners do is over mix their paint.

The purpose of mixing paint is twofold:

  1. To achieve the correct color
  2. To create paint that isn’t flat looking

If your paint is flat your painting will be flat.  Not over mixing your paint is one step to giving your artwork depth, vibrancy and interest.

It is much easier to show you exactly what I mean.

It takes a little concentration to stop over mixing paint, but your paintings will improve almost immediately.

Remember, learning to paint is a skill.

  • You can learn a skill
  • You can practice a skill
  • You can improve a skill

Learning to mix paint is just one of the fundamentals of art that can be learned, practiced and improved.

Get my 7 Tips For Mixing Acrylic Paint  by clicking the button.

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