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Medium Friends Painting

Do I have that right?

Medium Friends Painting

Medium Friends Are More Than Medium

Recently I had the honor of teaching a painting class at Eagle Creek Vineyard in Warsaw, KY to a fabulous group of friends.

They came in from all sections of the United States and Great Britain by way of the Bahamas.  Their friendship was out of this world because they were all mediums.  They met at a class several years ago to improve their psychic abilities and have remained friends ever since.

I’m not sure who they were channeling during the class, but they all did an excellent job painting a fall forest scene. 

They were all staying in an Air BNB in Northern Kentucky and came to Warsaw for their entertainment.  They painted with me at Eagle Creek Vineyard and then headed up the street Jewell’s On Main restaurant.  Jewell’s is a fabulous restaurant where it is often standing room only.  Who knew all this fabulousness was in the tiny river town of Warsaw, KY.

You can check out Eagle Creek Vineyard HERE.

Visit Jewell’s On Main HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Happy painting!