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Let’s Talk Palette Knives

Palette Knivs for Beginners

Learning about palette knives


In a quick Google search for the history of palette knives there’s tons of information on the origins of palette knife creation and use, much of it is conflicting.

Palette knives have been in use for at least 200 years but a clear inventor is not.  Many famous artists of the last 2 centuries used palette knives in at least some of their art.

According to artist Jana Vodesil Rembrandt, Francisco Goya, Gustav Courbet, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall and Henri Matisse are just a few of the recognizable artists who used palette knives.  Courbet is even credited with inventing it, but that is also in debate.

There are plastic and metal palette knives.  I have both, but I only use the metal ones for painting.  they are much more flexible and I like the feel of them in my hand better.  I use the plastic ones to actually mix or move paint.

I created this video as a beginning to this month as I focus on palette knives on my YouTube channel.  Please join me and see how a beginner can get started using a palette knife.