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It’s Tough Being Green!

Really, green is in everything? Justabout!

Green is probably the most seen color in the universe.  It’s in almost everything!  Even things you didn’t realize had green in them, have green in them.
Go to an art store and see how many different colors of green there are.  Mind BLOWN!

Click HERE for video

Try to paint a landscape, floral, still life or portrait without using green.  Not sure it can be done.  Yes green is in portraits.  It’s a component of all flesh color.
There are warm and cool greens.  You can make green out of all sorts of colors, even yellow and black.  And when you start talking about shades of green, well, that can send any sane person totally over the edge.
In case you didn’t know, I have a YouTube channel at Sharon Durbin Graves and I post lots of short FREE painting lessons there.  Click HERE to see the video extolling the benefits of green and how to mix it.
It’s imperative for every artist, whether serious or hobbyist, to understand color and how to use it to achieve the results you’re looking for.  This short video on green will show you how to create green, warm and coolness of green and how to achieve perspective using warm and cool colors.
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