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Into The Fall

Newest Artwork

Autumn painting process

Is Fall Your Favorite?

I really love spring, but I also love fall because by the time it gets here I am so ready for some cooler weather.  Not cold weather but cooler weather.  Especially this year since we’ve had such a hot summer.

When I started painting over 20 years ago I wanted to paint the beautiful sunrises and sunsets we have in Kentucky.  And I still love painting things with atmospheric light.  To me, it’s the most exciting thing.

Painting landscapes like this one takes me back to my beginnings, my roots if you will.  I totally get lost in a painting like this.

I hope you enjoyed that.  I sure did.  Sometimes I get caught up in teaching art and forget to create art.  As a teacher I love to see the light come on in your eyes when you start to “get” something.  As an artist, I love to see the creation taking on a life of its own.

In the beginning a painting looks very dull and drab and that’s usually the time when beginning artists give up.  But that’s when things start to get interesting.  Keep going and you’ll start adding highlights and shadows and the art comes to life.  It begins to draw you in.  With that first bit of highlight on a tree or a rock the painting begins to speak to me.

Today is world mental health day and I personally am able to stay mentally healthy by painting.  I’m sure many people have many ways to improve their mental health.   I’m not saying painting will end all mental health problems, but it has an amazing ability to completely transport you mentally into a different dimension.  For an hour or two or three, you’re no longer thinking about your problems or the worlds problems.  You’re only thinking about where the next stroke goes and to be able to take a mental vacation from all the “things” going on in your head can be very good for your mental health.  I know I come away with a different perspective that is more uplifted.

Today think about your mental health and do you need to take a mental vacay.  If so, if painting is your jam, then do that.  If not, decide what is and do that.  Let the world slip right on by for an hour or so.

Thanks so much for being here today and have a wonderful day.

All my available art can be seen at https://www.sharondurbingravesart.com.