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If Your Painting Looks Flat – Your Values Are Off

Mixing paint to create values

Mixing paint to create values

If you’re painting looks flat, your values are off.

A minimum of 3 values are needed to make anything look 3D.  If your painting is flat looking, you don’t have enough values in that part.  Remembering where the light in your painting is coming from will help you create values.  As you think about your light source, you will remember that the lightest value should be on the side of the light and as the item moves away from the light the values will get darker.
Also remembering not to mix your paint too much will also help with your values.  You mix paint for 2 reasons: 1.  to get the color you want.   2.  To get the value you need.  If you mix too much you loose the various colors in the mix and it becomes as if you opened up a tube of paint and squirted that out on your palette.  Over mixing can add to your painting looking flat because you lost the depth of paint that is mixed loosely.
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