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How To Paint Echinaceas in Under 5 Minutes

Quick Tutorial

Paint an echinacea

How To Paint Echinaceas

In Under 5 Minutes

I love echinaceas and they are so fun to paint.  In this video  How to Paint Echinaceas in under 5 minutes, I used a new synthetic round brush and I loved how it worked.

When painting echinacea you need to look at the growth pattern of the flower.  The petals attach to the center of the flower, and then it spreads out and then back to a small tip.

The echinacea petals are created using the pressure of the brush.  You start out on the tip of the brush and as you move away from the center, you press down on the brush and to finish a petal you lift up on the brush back to the tip.

You will need to practice the stroke to get it and you must not get discouraged.  It will come after you’ve done quite a few.

Pull out some freezer paper and fill it up with echinacea blooms.  Then fill up a piece of water color paper.

In learning how to paint echinaceas you will also need to create values.  You will paint several layers of petals with the first layer being a deep red and each layer gets less red and more pink.

The layers create the depth in the flower.  Watch the video below to watch the demonstration.

If you’d like to get some of the brushes I used in the video click HERE.

If you would like to figure out a plan to help you move your painting process forward I have a plan for you. Click HERE to get that plan.   It’s printable and it’s FREE.  Print it out and start working the plan today.

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Have a great day and let’s paint together soon.
