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How To Have A Successful Solo Art Show

Get Your 30 Day Checklist For Your Art Show

How to have a Solo Art Show

How To Have A Successful

Solo Art Show

How to have a successful solo art show is dependent on your planning, especially for that last 30 days.  Time gets crazy as the show gets closer so you need a plan.

As you progress in your art journey, you will stop being afraid to show your work and eventually you’ll want to have an art show.  This could be at a local library or community center or even at an art festival.  There are things that need to happen for you to have a successful show.  Watch the video.

Now that you watched the video, I have a checklist for those last 30 days.  It doesn’t mean you can’t start some of these steps earlier, but this checklist will help you realize what needs to happen for a successful solo art show.

Months before your art show, you need to be working on creating your best art.  Gather up your best art so far and then do more of that.  Personally I wouldn’t go off on new tangents for your first solo art show.

I say that for your own comfort as well as the success of your art show.  Trying new genres, methods or subjects can bring on lots of stress and I would avoid that at all costs.  Your confidence does not need to take a hit as you plan your art show.

Promoting your art show at least 30 days in advance is a must.  You will also need to continue to promote it twice weekly for the first two weeks and then daily for the last two weeks.  You might feel like that’s overkill but you need to remember that someone needs to see something approximately 21 times before it sinks in.

Click HERE to see one of the many ways I promoted my recent solo art show.

With the video and the checklist you will be well armed to create a very successful art show.

Finally, try to leave yourself as much rest time the day before your art show.  Breath deeply and enjoy your show.  Greet your guests, talk to them about your art and thank them for coming.

Now get busy and get ready for your first successful solo art show.