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How To Get Started Painting in 2025

How To Learn To Paint in 2025

How To Get Started Painting in 2025

If you’ve thought about learning to paint, then let’s make 2025 your year.  This video is all about how to get started painting in 2025.

I’m not sure why it’s scary to get started painting, but it is.  I think it’s because we’re afraid we won’t do it right.  Although there is no “right way”, but for whatever reason, we fear getting started.

In this video I’ll show you exactly what you need to get started, what it should cost approximately, and what you don’t need.

Don’t let fear stop you from learning to paint if that’s what’s on your mind and in your heart for 2025.

I’ve always said that learning to paint is like learning any other type of skill, like playing a sport, playing an instrument or learning to dance.  No one is good at first but with consistent practice you will see improvement and over time you will be learning more and improving more.

Here is a list of links if you need to purchase art supplies.  I put this together because I know how daunting it is to go into an art supply store and have the deer in the headlights reaction.  I was so there over 20 years ago and I purchased things that first day that I still haven’t used because I bought things I didn’t need.  I would like to prevent that from happening to you.

Items You Need To Get Started Painting in 2025

  • Watercolor paper https://shrsl.com/43kle
  • Stretched Canvas https://shrsl.com/43klg
  • Stretched canvas. https://shrsl.com/45b4l
  • Canvas panels. https://shrsl.com/43klh
  • Acrylic Paint. https://shrsl.com/43klm
  • Brushes. https://shrsl.com/43kls
  • Water Basin. https://shrsl.com/43km7
  • Spray bottle. https://shrsl.com/43km8
  • Painter Nation Apron. https://bit.ly/45Uhy6L

You don’t need to purchase a water basin.  I’m sure you have a plastic bowl or large cup you could use for a while.  The same thing goes for the spray bottle.

You could use an old shirt in place of an apron.

I’m all about saving money any way I can while painting, but I do spend money on good brushes and paints.  I don’t buy the “BEST” of those supplies but I buy the best I can afford.

I’m with you every step of the way in your quest to learn to paint and since I only teach beginners, I’m ready to help you in any way I can.

This blog is part of my website and it is loaded up with tons of free posts with videos designed to help beginner painters get started and make significant progress as quickly as possible.

If you haven’t signed up to receive my free beginning artist bundle where you’ll receive 3 different ebooks and plans I’ve created for the beginning artist.  Get it HERE.

There is also a completely free painting class here as well.  Click HERE to get the class.

I also recommend you subscribe to my YouTube channel that is also created specifically for beginning artists. 

I upload weekly with videos created especially for you, the beginning artist.  Subscribe and hit that little notification bell so you don’t miss any future videos.

So there you go.  Lots of FREE ways you can learn to finally start painting in 2025.

I hope we’re going to paint together lots this year.


P.S.  We are all tempted to buy the cheapest thing possible, but here’s a blog post I wrote about doing just that.