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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Painting With Acrylics 101

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions below, you’re in the right space:

  • How can I learn to paint?
  • What supplies do I need to learn to paint?
  • What is the best way to learn to paint?
  • Can I learn to paint in online classes?
  • Can I learn to paint if I believe I have no talent?
Get my FREE printable beginning artist bundle below.

HOW I Got Started

I have been painting with acrylics for over 30 years and painting as a fine artist for about 20 years. I paint landscape and floral paintings and every once in a while I throw in a painting of animals from our small farm or a seascape.

I love teaching beginning painters because I remember just how I felt when I finally decided I either had to learn how to do it, or figure out how to quit thinking about it all the time. I couldn’t look at anything without thinking, “If I were going to paint that, how would I get that shadow in or how would I put in the highlight I see?”

I found a two-day workshop, which, by the time I paid for the workshop, hotel, food, paint, brushes, canvases and other supplies, I spent over $1,500. BUT I came home with a beautiful painting and I knew I could do it. I began a 10-year journey painting 5-6 days a week, and reading and watching everything I could to become a better artist. As I like to tell my students, I put miles on my brushes.

I’m not going to sugar coat it and tell you you can become an artist overnight, but with systematic learning and deliberate practice you will begin to learn to aint and your skills will improve quickly.

Yes, painting is a skill and you can learn a skill, you can practice a skill and you can improve on your skill.  Deliberate practice is the secret sauce.  So let’s paint together soon.

While you’re here, why not sign up to take my FREE daisy painting class.  Yes I Want to Paint Daisies.



What Does That Mean For You?

I’ve spent years learning and improving my craft and I’m ready to help you do the same only with better results quicker.  You’ll have access to all that I’ve learned as I pass it on to you to help you create the best art you can.

I teach private and group classes in person and online classes.  My private and group classes are in or around Oldham or Carroll County, Kentucky and Vevay, Indiana.

You can take a free online class right here if you’d like to see if you can learn to paint online and how I teach. Take A FREE Class

I can teach you the fundamentals and elements of art, but only you can put in the work.  Watching videos and reading about creating art can help but the only way to truly improve your art is to paint.  Often and with purposeful practice.

I’m looking forward to painting with you!

If you would like to view my art