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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Go Deep Into Painting A Landscape

Totally New Type of Class

Beginning Landscape class

Want To Get Serious About Painting?

If you want to really dive deep into painting a landscape but need to stay on the beginner/intermediate level, I have just the class for you.

This class spreads out over 2 painting classes, January 6 & 20, 10 .am. – noon on each day.  Classes will be at The Community Art Center in Vevay, Indiana.

I have kept the price as low as possible, $25 per session and if you’d like to purchase your own 16″ x 20″ canvas, please feel free to do so.  If you’d like me to provide one, I can and the charge for that will be $10.

Yes, we’ll be painting a much larger painting than in our normal classes and it will be a step up in difficulty from my normal classes.  This is more like a professional artist workshop than a paint and sip class.  You will be learning tons of painting essentials, fundamentals and elements as we work our way through this beginner but challenging landscape.

I will provide the paint and the brushes, but this might be a great time for you to begin to build your art kit.  I have a few recommendations if you’d like to get started on that.


When I begin a painting I do several things.  First off I tone the canvas.  I usually use a mixture of Burnt Sienna and white and just slop it all over the canvas using a #12 Natural Bristle brush.  The natural bristles are usually hogs hair, yes stiff and wiry hogs hair.  They are the workhorse of my art kit.  You can be very rough with them and get things done you can’t do with a synthetic flat brush.

The second thing  I do is complete the underpainting and I do that with a #12 natural bristle brush as well.  An underpainting is putting in the basic sky and in the case of a landscape either mountains and/or grass.  I fill up the whole canvas with these base colors but when I’m finished they may have several passes made over each area.

If I were beginning my art kit today, my first purchase would be, you guessed it, a #12 natural bristle brush.  I’ve never had a synthetic one that I liked or that did the job I was looking for.  Having said that,  it may be difficult to find a natural bristle brush.  They are not sold in packs in the big box stores, you have to buy them individually.  There are several websites you can go to to look for them.

  • Rosemay & Co.
  • Dick Blick Art Supplies
  • Jerry’s Artarama
  • Cheap Joe’s Art Supplies

All of the above are online websites and you can put in “natural bristle brushes” in the search bar on any of them and see what comes up.

Jerry Yarnell has a #10 natural bristle brush that I use and love.  Here’s a link.  I’m not an affiliate.  https://yarnellschool.com/product/brush-10-bristle-flat/


I use student or professional grade heavy body acrylic paints.  They come in tubes and can be found in many big box stores or online.  Craft paints (in bottles) are not suitable for this type of painting and you will not get the results you are looking for.

The colors I use are:

  • Titanium White
  • Cadmium Yell Med
  • Cad Orange
  • Cad Red Med
  • Hookers Green
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Burnt Umber
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Turquoise Deep
  • Lime Green
  • Alizarin Crimson

If you want to start your own art kit I suggest you get the primaries of red, yellow and blue and titanium white first and then add more as you paint more.

1st Session – January 6

  • Underpaint the scene
  • Sketch the scene
  • Add Clouds
  • Paint Cabin

2nd Session – January 20

  • Paint the large tree
  • Paint the path
  • Paint smaller trees and bushes
  • Paint the fence.

If you want to learn to paint, this is an excellent way to dive deep into a landscape without breaking the bank.  Below I have 2 buttons if you’d like to join the class.

One is for $60 which gives you both classes and the 16″ x 20 canvas.

One is for both classes and no canvas.

It’s your pleasure.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you in the class.


p.s. The photo on the promo piece is just the sketch.  We’ll be giving that bad boy all sorts of color.