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Getting a Perspective on Perspective

Improving Your Art With Perspective

Creating Perspective Printable Workbook

Understanding Perspective

There’s a lot of things an artist has to learn and keep in mind and perspective is one of the main things that has to be studied and used in every piece of art.  Artists can’t learn it all at once, but there are fundamental things that need to be given more attention than others.

Color theory, values and perspective are where I believe artists should invest their time in their early art education to create better art.  It’s not about just slapping paint on a canvas but there are fundamentals that also need to be learned.

I truly believe that art is not about talent, but it is a skill.  As you learn and improve your skills your talent will reveal itself and your improvement will move forward much quicker.

I did an informal survey recently on the “one” thing that beginning artists struggle with and the main thing that came up was perspective.  I created a FREE printable workbook on perspective just for beginning artists and those artists who feel their work looks flat.

Click that big beautiful button to get your hands on the workbook. 

You can print this out and keep it in your art notebook where you can refer to it often.  I refer to the notes I took at the very first art workshop I went to 20 years ago.  That notebook is sitting less than 2 feet from my desk.

The workbook addresses 2 types of perspective, understanding how planes creates depth in paintings and drawings and how creating form also creates perspective.  I explain perspective with information, examples and you’ll have opportunity for some homework and places to write notes and thoughts about how to use perspective.

If after visiting my Beginning Acrylic Teacher YouTube channel, downloading the printable workbook and reading this blog post, if you’d like to work with me, you can check out the Beginner’s Painting Club HERE.   It’s a monthly membership where beginning artists receive new comprehensive content every single month.  I looked back on my first 10-12 years learning to paint and I knew there had to be an easier way.  I’ve created that easier way for beginning artists to get their feet on solid ground and improve their art as quick as possible.

My goal is help 1000 beginning artists learn to paint through fundamentals, elements of art and painting tutorials so that they can move their art journey forward further and quicker.

Thanks so much for being here today.  I really appreciate your interest and support and I hope we can paint together real soon.

