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Have You Taken My FREE Class?

No kidding. It's totally free.

FREE Daisy Painting Class

Free Class

I know it’s kinda crazy and scary when someone offers you something for free.  But, it’s totally free.  I don’t even want you thinking about pulling out that credit card.  Just follow the link, put in your email and it will come to you.

What’s in it for you?

  •  You get a free online class.
  • You get to see if you can learn online.
  • You see if you like me as a teacher.
  • You learn how to paint daisies, stems, leaves and curly q’s.

What’s in it for me?

  • I love teaching beginners.
  • I can’t wait for you to try it out.
  • I’d love to work with you.
  • We can become art buddies.

I’ve created this free class for the person who wants to learn to paint, but they’re just not sure if they want to spend any money on it or if they can even learn from an online class.  I’ve had tons of people feel the same way who’ve taken the class and guess what?  They loved it and they learned how to paint the daisies.  They were able to learn to paint online.

Sign Up For The FREE Class