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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

FREE Beginning Painter Bootcamp

And I'd love to have you join me.

artist bootcamp, learn to paint, improve your art, fundamental art classes,
Free 10 Day Beginning Painter Bootcamp

It’s been in the planning stages for a while, and I’m now ready to put it out there and get you inside the Beginning Painters Bootcamp.

I’ve created this bootcamp that begins September 27 at 7 p.m. with our first live class on color theory for beginning painters.  That’s all I teach and I want to help you on your art journey.

There are fundamentals in art and many beginning painters don’t spend enough time learning the fundamentals and then they wonder why their art still looks flat.  The fundamentals of color theory, particularly highlights and shadows are probably where your problem lies.  If you’re having trouble creating depth, color theory is probably where that problem lies.  Those are fundamental problems that can be fixed as you learn more about color theory.

This bootcamp will follow my 3 ways to help improve your art.  There will be live classes on September 27, 29  and October 1, 4 and 6.  There will be other classes, hints, tips and tricks throughout this time frame.

Click HERE to sign up for the bootcamp.    Sign up with an email address you check regularly.  You will receive an email with a link to a private Facebook group.  Go there and ask to join and you’ll be in.  All content for the bootcamp will be delivered inside this Facebook group.  This is a private Facebook group and has been created for you to safely ask questions and post photos of your work without fear.

Things you’ll learn:

  • color theory
  • how to mix paint
  • how to use different types of brushes
  • how highlights and shadows create form
  • how to get past the fear
  • how to see

You can sign up any time now and go to the private Facebook group because I have already posted several informational videos.  I’ll introduce myself there and there are several other videos about the tools you’ll be using and where to buy art supplies online and in person.  Click HERE to join the bootcamp.

I think this can be a transformational bootcamp for anyone who truly wants to learn to paint.  What you’ll need to do is show up live if possible and actually do the work that is taught during each live class.  The videos will remain up and you can do them at your convenience, but it is better if you can possibly show up live.

This private Facebook group will go away October 15, so you need to get all you can out of it while it is available.  This is your opportunity to either learn to paint or to really improve your art.

While it’s still fresh in your mind, why not sign up right now.   Click HERE to sign up.

Thanks so much for stopping by today and let’s paint together real soon.