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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

First of Three Lessons

All three videos are coming this week.

Painting a still life background with a palette knife.

Still Life

Palette Knife Background

This week I’m releasing THREE videos, yes you read that right, three videos on painting a still life of hydrangeas in a blue glass jar with a palette knife.

Two of my favorite subjects:

  •  Blue glass jars and
  • hydrangeas.

This is going to be a very fun week.

Hopefully you’ve checked out my other videos this month on using palette knives leading up to this series.  I like to paint in a series and now I’m producing videos in a series.  LUCKY YOU!

Click the button below to see the whole playlist on painting with a palette knife.

Beginners often struggle with painting too tightly and painting with a palette knife helps loosen you up.  You just can’t paint tight with a palette knife.  It’s against the laws of nature.

Painting with a palette knife has a learning/practicing curve.  Each knife is different and has different uses and capabilities.  Some are much better at straight lines, others for flower petals and leaves, and still others for backgrounds.  You only need 2 or 3 and then you need to work with them to see what they do and how to use them.  That takes practice.

Don’t get discouraged if things don’ go according to plan at first.  Keep trying and keep practicing.  You will get it and you will be amazed at what you get with a palette knife.  I hope you’ll stay with it this week as we paint a blue glass jar with hydrangeas in it this week.

Thanks for stopping by and I so appreciate your interest and your support.  Have a great day and let’s paint together real soon.
