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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Fireflies and Fun

Two nights of classes at one great venue - Eagle Creek Vineyard

Catching fireflies in a jar painting class

Painting Fireflies in a Jar

In August we held 2 classes at Eagle Creek Vineyard in Warsaw, KY and we painted fireflies in a jar.  We had so many people sign up, we had to hold two classes on different nights.  Paint was flying all over Eagle Creek Vineyard.
Fun, laughter and lots of learning went on both nights.  Painting that big moon was loads of fun as was painting the jar and the different depths of grass.  And then we added all those fireflies and it was magical.
I created a video joining both nights and how all the paintings turned out.  Click HERE to watch the video.  I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I didn’t actually get a video the second night.  I thought I took one but I must have hit the wrong button.  I know!  I’m a goofball!  But I had tons of photos to share and I hope you enjoy this anyway.

What we learned in this class:

  1.  How to blend colors in the sky
  2. How to give the moon a glow
  3. How to draw a glass jar
  4. How to paint a glass jar
  5. How to paint layers of grass
  6. How to put fireflies in the jar and in the sky
If you’d like to take a little trip and visit a very cool vineyard tasting room, click HERE to learn all about Eagle Creek Vineyard.