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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Essential Brushes For Beginning Artists

What do you really need?

Essential brushes for beginning artists

Getting the Right Brushes

I see you in that big box store with overwhelm getting all over you as you try to figure out what brushes you need.  It is intimidating.

I’ve created a video explaining the brushes you need, the sizes to buy and I’ll even share where to buy them.  Let’s get started.

Hopefully that video helped explain better what you need.  Now, where to buy them.

There are the big box stores like:

  • Hobby Lobby
  • Michaels
  • JoAnn’s

Hint – I did a video on Artsmith brushes from JoAnn’s.  (That’s a hard no)

There are also online art suppliers and I’ve used all 3, but I like Dick Blick the best for their customer service.  I haven’t had to use their liberal return policy very often, but when I have it’s basically a no questions asked kind of operation.  Quick and easy – that’s what I’m talking about.

Online Art Suppliers

  • Dick Blick Art
  • Jerry’s Artarama
  • Cheap Joe’s

I never suggest than anyone ever go into debt for art supplies.  Buy what you can afford and only what you need.  The Essential Brush video above explains exactly what a newbie needs.  There is no need to break the bank.  Don’t get distracted with all the choices in that big box store.  It’s tempting I know to just fill up that cart.  Less is more in this case.

Hopefully this has helped you figure out what brushes you need, how much to pay for them and where to buy them.

Have a great day and let’s paint together soon.

p.s.  On September 13-15 I’m hosting a beginning art challenge in a private Facebook group.  You can join by clicking this big beautiful button. 

Ok.  We’re done now.  Hope to see you in the challenge.