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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Eagle Creek Vineyard Painting Class

Take a Look Inside The Party

Eagle Creek Vineyard Painting Class

Group Painting Class

at Eagle Creek Vineyard

I am lucky enough to teach group painting classes at Eagle Creek Vineyard, Warsaw KY.  In September a group of women came together to paint this fun fall landscape.

The painters learned how to create depth by using values, shapes, and color.  We put the leaves on the trees using different values of red, orange and yellow.  We also learned how to mix colors that helped enhance the depth of the painting. 

Eagle Creek Vineyard posts all their classes on their Facebook page.  Click HERE to visit and like their page.

If you would like to learn to paint you might want to check out the Beginner’s Painting Club.  It is currently open, but will be closing in the next 48 hours.  Click HERE to learn more.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Sharon Durbin Graves

P.S.  Would love to see you in a future class.