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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Eagle Creek Painting Buddies

It's a monthly thing and these folks come together to paint and have fun.

Painting class at Eagle Creek Vineyard

I teach painting classes at various venues in the Northern Ky, and the Indiana area and this class has become a regular thing.  It is through Eagle Creek Vineyard Tasting Room in Warsaw Ky and is the second Tuesday of the month.  Click HERE to go to their website and see what’s happening.

Oh My Gosh!  This painting night at Eagle Creek Vineyard Tasting Room in Warsaw, KY gets more fun all the time.  We don’t let a little thing like a pandemic slow us down or keep us from our appointed night of fun and frivolity.  (I stole that line from a Harry Potter movie).  This group has painted while wearing masks and social distancing and we’ve had fun all along the way.

Click HERE to see the video about this fun class.  Don’t wait for the book to come out.

Thanks for stopping by today and let’s paint together real soon.