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Community Art Center in Vevay, Indiana

Great Art in Small Town America

Community Art Center Vevay Indiana

Take a Day trip to Vevay, Indiana

Vevay, Indiana is a small town along the Ohio River near Madison, Indiana and across from Warsaw and Carrollton, Kentucky.  It’s quiet and idyllic and a great place for artists, antiquers, and creatives.

The Community Art Center sits in the heart of Vevay and is home to about 45 artists.  We all live within 60 miles of the center per the by-laws of the group.  We have no paid staff and we keep the art center open by volunteers.  The artists volunteer to open the center 7 days a week.

Thoughout the year the Community Art Center welcomes in visitors especially on the first Friday of every single month.  Artists come in and are available to talk to visitors about their art and show off their work.  We have an artist of the month and their work is featured throughout the month but especially on the first Friday of that month.

We usually have some type of craft you can do on sight or a takeout and make it at home craft.  There’s music from several different venues in the town and in the summer it really ramps up.

The first weekend in June is the annual Art Walk where inside and outside on the sidewalk, artists demonstrate how they create their fabulous works.

We’d love for you to join us.

I will be there on Saturday set up outside on the sidewalk and I’ll be painting and have art available.  It’s a party atmosphere and hope you’re going to join us.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.