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Cleaning Up After an Art Show

It's like a tornado hits my studio with every show.

art studio clean up, after an art show

After the Art Show – WHAT!

I don’t do too many art shows because I don’t have the physical stamina to do them.  I can only do one day shows and I am pretty selective about which ones I do.

I love the painting part and getting ready for the show.  Am I going to only take art of certain genres or will I just have something of everything.  Will I have a theme?  Will I hone in on a color scheme?  Am I taking a variety of sizes or will I take mostly smaller work?  What is the history of this show?  What is my history in shows recently?  So many questions and decisions.

I love the selling.  I love talking to people, seeing what they like and why they like it.  The energy of a show is a real boost to an artist.  Creating art is such a solitary endeavor and you are never sure if anyone but you likes your work.  But when money crosses hands from collector to artist, then you have some validation.

But the loading up for the show, the unloading at the show, the loading up to go home and the unloading when you get home, well that’s real work.  If I could do a show without all that, I’d be somewhere every weekend.  Unfortunately you can’t.  The heavy lifting is part of it.

When I get home from a show, I usually unload and stuff that goes in the garage gets put away right away.  The stuff that goes back in my studio, well that gets shoved in the studio and I go take a nap.  Monday is always a great day to put away all that stuff.

I did this little video so you could see behind the scenes what happens in my studio on a Monday after a show.

Hey, if you liked that video I sure would appreciate you giving it a thumbs up and subscribing to my channel.  It really helps me grow and make more videos.  I so appreciate your help.

Have a great day and leet’s paint together real soon.