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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Child’s Painting Class

in Vevay Indiana

Painting class in Vevay, Indiana

Painting Owls

Two young ladies traveled from Kentucky to take a painting class at the Community Art Center in Vevay, Indiana.  I think it was worth all the time and effort to get there to them.

These ladies learned to mix their own paint, draw their subject, use different kinds of brushes and soft vine charcoal.  They were not afraid and were proud of their finished product.  Adults seem to loose those capabilities.

They followed directions, but they also were not intimidated to look at the example and move forward.  I so enjoyed watching them being brave and creative. 

The art center has a fabulous room upstairs for art classes, yoga classes, and they rent it out for parties and showers of all sorts.  It’s a reasonably priced venue if you’re in the market.

You can contact The Community Art Center to learn about classes or to reserve the upstairs room at 812-226-6006.  It is located at 217 Ferry St., Vevay, Indiana.  They are open Sunday-Thursday noon-4 p.m. Friday 10a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.  If you need a one of a kind gift or something for yourself, you’re sure to find it here.

Thanks for stopping by today and let’s paint together real soon.